
I am a Miniature Schnauzer and my full name is Tinkerbelle's Easter Joy. I was born in a barn on Jan. 18-2001. I was the runt of the litter and I haven't grown a whole lot since then. I weigh 8 lbs and our Vets don't think I will get a whole lot bigger. They said they would be surprised if I topped out at 10 lbs. Even though I am small for a Min. Schnauzer, I am very healthy. That's me daddy and Zoey (L) on our first road trip
I became a member of my permanent family on Palm Sunday. My Daddy and Grandma came to get me after they saw an ad in the local paper, although the ad said Shih Tsu/Maltese mix. You see, my Mommy had just lost her beloved Heidi, also a M. Schnauzer, to a genetic disease which triggered pancreatitis. It had been a while, but she was very sad. Also, my Mommy's baby sister had recently lost two dogs. Marley, a 5 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi died from kidney disease and Bree, a 10 year old Cairn Terrier died of liver disease. Everyone was very sad, but Daddy thought it was time to move on and he wanted to bring some joy back into the house. Mommy at last relented, but she stated that there would be no more Schnauzers. She didn't want to be reminded of Heidi and she was also afraid that she might compare the two dogs. So off Daddy and Grandma went, armed with the local paper. They drove about 25 minutes to a farm and there Daddy was shown the dogs he had called about. As they were checking over the dogs Daddy started to relate why they were looking for a puppy. The lady at the farm then told Daddy that she had some other puppies that he might like to see. She then brought him to see my sister and I. We were the only ones left out of our litter. The woman related how I was very small and would never grow to full M. Schnauzer size, after all I was almost 2 months old and only weighed 4.2 pounds!. Daddy decided right there and then that I was the dog he wanted. Grandma asked if he was sure and did he know what he was doing. He just smiled, paid the lady and filled out the papers. The closer he got to home however the more nervous he became. Finally he was home and he walked through the door and placed me in my Mommys hands. She was not a happy camper. She said I was too small, too dirty and way too smelly. And worse of all I was a Schnauzer. Even Rocco didn't like me. He growled at me and tried to eat all my food. He wouldn't even let me play with any toys. But I was determined to worm my way into their hearts.
I had many bath's in the next few days and Daddy spent most of his time with me. (Mommy is an asthmatic and I smelled like the barn I came from!!). Then Mommy slowly started to come around. And now she doesn't go anywhere without me! She says I am her baby. She was beside herself when I was in the doggie hospital being spayed. And recently I had to spend the night at the vets again because I ate something that didn't agree with me. Mommy was so upset. But I'm ok now.....no more socks for me! Even Rocco and I have become best friends. He even let's me sleep in the big doggie bed with him. Life's a party, and I am enjoying every minute of it.
I have many doggie cousins around but my closest cuz is Zoey, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She belongs to Mommy's baby sister. She is two days younger than me but she is twice as big. Her favorite way to play with me is to sit on top of me so I can't get up! She and I play together all the time. That's her below. She had to wear that collar after her spaying because she kept picking her stitches, and it slowed her down. I don't think Zoey ever walks.....she's in constant gallop mode. Then there's Gimpy, a 13 year old cock-a-poo. He has 3 legs due to cancer, (a 5+ year cancer survivor) but his amputation hasn't slowed him down one bit! His favorite game is to dare Mommy to take his toy. Gimpy's sister is Breeni, a standard poodle. She has the longest legs I've ever seen. And she uses those stilts to run from everything, she's a big coward. Then there is Gramma's 3 girls. They are cairn terriers, but Mommy calls them the Demon Dogs. Lady is the 11 year old mother of 10 year old Bubbles and Baby. Bubble's nick-name is Eeyore. Then there is Zeus. He's the biggest of all the cuz's. He lives with Mommy's nephew outside of Baltimore. I haven't met him personally, but I have seen pictures. Then there is Sassy. She is a beagle/basset mix that belongs to Mommy's best friend. Her nickname is Lopus because she is always loping through the open farmland chasing woodchucks. She never catches anything, she just likes the chase.


Look close folks
Mommy says this is
Zoey's best side!


Rocco's baby picture
Click it and see what happens.


(clockwise starting from l.) Mac,
Baby, Bubbles, Lady
(Mac is deceased now)


Cousin Zeus


This is (from l to r) Rocco, Me, Gimpy and Breeni.



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